Monday 27 October 2008

Chant Day at Farnbrough

Schola Gregoriana Sancti Nicolai

Gregorian Chant Workshop
St Michael’s Abbey,
Farnborough led by Dom Cuthbert Brogan, OSB - Abbot of Farnborough

SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2008: 10.00-16.30

This will be our third Farnborough Abbey Chant Workshop. The objects include improvement of skills, recruitment of new members, and increased enjoyment of Gregorian Chant and the Old Liturgy which is now encouraged and authorised by the Catholic Church Worldwide since the Moto Proprio of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough GU14 7NQ is situated within walking distance of the railway station.

Programme - 10.00 Registration Workshop Part I Office of Sext - chanted by the monks Break for Lunch Workshop Part II Office of None - chanted by the monks Break for coffee Workshop Part III 16.30 Workshop completes 16.45 Office of Vespers - chanted by the monks Syllabus - will include notation, modes, chant practice (including psalmody) - Chants to be covered - a. Ordinary - Mass IV Cunctipotens Genitor Deus b.

Propers for feast of St Nicholas: Introit - Statuit Gradual - Inveni Alleluia - Justus ut palma Offertory - Veritas mea Communion - Semel juravi

Materials - all being prepared by Fr Abbot Cuthbert

Fees: £15 (including tea but excluding lunch) Tea will be provided and sandwiches for lunch - at a small charge Contact: or Tel: 01798-344541

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